Real Estate News

Set a Fabulous Table for Fall

Fall’s whimsically shaped produce and bold-hued foliage offer fantastic inspiration for your seasonal decorating. See two gorgeous and budget-friendly options for setting a stunning table for fall entertaining. Don’t miss out on the next Zillow video! Subscribe today to see the latest.  Design resource guide Canvas drop cloth, Lowe’s, $22 Artichoke and beet tea towels, Foxy & Winston,

Set a Fabulous Table for Fall

Fall’s whimsically shaped produce and bold-hued foliage offer fantastic inspiration for your seasonal decorating. See two gorgeous and budget-friendly options for setting a stunning table for fall entertaining. Don’t miss out on the next Zillow video! Subscribe today to see the latest.  Design resource guide Canvas drop cloth, Lowe’s, $22 Artichoke and beet tea towels, Foxy & Winston,

The Magic of Division

Division is one of the coolest magic tricks a gardener can pull off. It involves digging up a single plant, breaking it into two or more pieces, and replanting them to multiply all by themselves – until you decide to divide again. So, really, plant division is multiplication. (Mind blown.) Why and what to divide

The Magic of Division

Division is one of the coolest magic tricks a gardener can pull off. It involves digging up a single plant, breaking it into two or more pieces, and replanting them to multiply all by themselves – until you decide to divide again. So, really, plant division is multiplication. (Mind blown.) Why and what to divide

What Are the Rules About Election-Related Yard Signs?

By Stephanie Reid Whether you’re a die-hard Trump fan, proudly tout #ImWithHer, or are taking the third-party approach, chances are you haven’t kept your presidential preference a secret. While some folks limit the political discourse to the dinner table, others are a bit more outspoken. But what are the private homeowners’ rights when it comes

What Are the Rules About Election-Related Yard Signs?

By Stephanie Reid Whether you’re a die-hard Trump fan, proudly tout #ImWithHer, or are taking the third-party approach, chances are you haven’t kept your presidential preference a secret. While some folks limit the political discourse to the dinner table, others are a bit more outspoken. But what are the private homeowners’ rights when it comes

Why does it take so long to close a loan? Appraisers

Recent data from Ellie Mae showed that it takes about a month and a half on average to close a mortgage loan. Several speakers at Wednesday’s housing summit hosted by the Urban Institute and CoreLogic, including Quicken Loans CEO Bill Emerson, said that closing times could conceivably be much shorter than that, even as little

Home sellers pricing the market too high?

In a case of reality-calling, more home sellers are reducing their prices in 2016 from their original listing price, especially in Texas, according to a report from online listing service Trulia. Though home prices are rising, more reductions are being made from the original listing price. Reductions increased 0.52 percentage points over the past 12 months

Housing’s new normal: Low interest rates, shifting demand, coming wave of new homebuyers

Speaking before a packed house gathered Wednesday on the 7th floor of the Newseum in Washington, D.C., CoreLogic’s chief economist, Frank Nothaft, told the crowd of housing insiders that anyone waiting for any dramatic shifts in housing, interest rates, or otherwise is likely to be left waiting. Nothaft, speaking at the “Data, Demand, and Demographics:

ADP October employment predictions bring bad news for housing

After last month’s uptick in construction, ADP now predicts yet another drop in its monthly National Employment Report. Overall, the company predicts an increase of 147,000 in total nonfarm private sector employment in October. This is compared to September’s increase of 156,000. “Job growth appears to be shifting from small to large companies due to