Real Estate News

4 Reasons Not to Renew Your Rental Lease

The renter is kind of like the cowboy of the real estate market: Wild and free. (And wearing a cool hat.) Not to imply that renters don’t want security, or longevity. They just retain the right to move. Like, say, if the house suddenly becomes haunted, or a ’90s grunge revival band moves in next

4 Reasons Not to Renew Your Rental Lease

The renter is kind of like the cowboy of the real estate market: Wild and free. (And wearing a cool hat.) Not to imply that renters don’t want security, or longevity. They just retain the right to move. Like, say, if the house suddenly becomes haunted, or a ’90s grunge revival band moves in next

3 Things to Do When Your Neighbors List Their Home for Sale

Most people think their real estate concerns end once they’ve closed on and moved into their new homes. But given the constant access to information and the changing nature of society today, smart homeowners know that their real estate awareness should continue after the closing. When a neighbor’s house goes on the market, there can

3 Things to Do When Your Neighbors List Their Home for Sale

Most people think their real estate concerns end once they’ve closed on and moved into their new homes. But given the constant access to information and the changing nature of society today, smart homeowners know that their real estate awareness should continue after the closing. When a neighbor’s house goes on the market, there can

Millennials: Ready to Buy a Second Home and Rent Out Your First?

There comes a time in many homeowners’ lives when it’s just time to move on to the next home. Maybe it’s because of a job change, the arrival of a kid (or more kids), a marriage or divorce, or you just don’t like where you live anymore. Many millennial homeowners – who represent half of all home

Millennials: Ready to Buy a Second Home and Rent Out Your First?

There comes a time in many homeowners’ lives when it’s just time to move on to the next home. Maybe it’s because of a job change, the arrival of a kid (or more kids), a marriage or divorce, or you just don’t like where you live anymore. Many millennial homeowners – who represent half of all home

Favorite Halloween Traditions of the Past and Present

No matter how many great political or lion-eating-dentist costumes we’ll see this year, being an adult at Halloween can be a bit of a bummer. Between obligatory “clever” costumes and the egregious lack of candy at most adult-themed Halloween parties, there’s not a lot of giddiness left in the holiday for the grownups. In honor of

Favorite Halloween Traditions of the Past and Present

No matter how many great political or lion-eating-dentist costumes we’ll see this year, being an adult at Halloween can be a bit of a bummer. Between obligatory “clever” costumes and the egregious lack of candy at most adult-themed Halloween parties, there’s not a lot of giddiness left in the holiday for the grownups. In honor of

11 Fall Maintenance Tasks to Do This Weekend

By Shannon Ireland Scents of pumpkin spice lattes and warm apple cider have started to fill the air, sweaters populate the fronts of closets, and trees prepare to unveil the full extent of their beauty by changing leaf colors from green to vibrant hues. But before you cozy up with a fleece blanket and your

11 Fall Maintenance Tasks to Do This Weekend

By Shannon Ireland Scents of pumpkin spice lattes and warm apple cider have started to fill the air, sweaters populate the fronts of closets, and trees prepare to unveil the full extent of their beauty by changing leaf colors from green to vibrant hues. But before you cozy up with a fleece blanket and your