Real Estate News

Corcoran Consulting & Coaching announces new ownership

Bob Corcoran, the owner of Corcoran Consulting & Coaching announced the sale of his business to the company’s CEO.

Corcoran Consulting & Coaching is a real estate, mortgage and small business consulting and coaching firm that Corcoran ran for 26 years.

He is now selling it to two of the company’s current employees, CEO Bubba Mills and chief operating officer Beverly Mills [both pictured below]. The Mills will stay in their current positions, and all employees will remain with the company, the company said.

“We are proud to continue to serve Corcoran Consulting & Coaching clients, some that have been with the company over a decade, in the manner as Bob has always done – with gratitude, graciousness, respect and loyalty,” Bubba Mills said. “We look forward to the next 26 years at Corcoran Consulting & Coaching.”

Corcoran said that he feels confident in selling this business to two people who have been his business partners for years.

“Bubba has been my business partner since 2010 when he merged his consulting business, which specialized in REO, mortgage, small business and source introductions in the residential real estate industry, with my company,” Corcoran said.

“He was quickly promoted to COO and managing partner within a year, and CEO shortly thereafter,” Corcoran added. “It is my pleasure to sell my business to Bubba and Beverly, who, along with the Corcoran team, will continue to provide our clients consulting services with a ‘servant’s heart’ for many more years to come.”


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