Every dog owner wants their home to be a safe, entertaining, and happy place for their pet. But the space should also be a clean, well-organized dwelling for the human inhabitants.
Here are some handy ideas for boosting your home’s pet-friendly qualities.
Get it together
Keep all the necessities — toys, leashes, and treats — close at hand with this clever DIY customized catch-all.
Setting up Spot’s spot
What pooch wouldn’t want a safe space of her own to curl up for a snooze while her humans are away?

Lookin’ good
Got a nosy pup? Install Pet Peek and he can keep an eye on the neighborhood from the comfort of his own yard.

Eat ’em up
A built-in elevate feeding station keeps food and water dishes from sliding around the floor – and looks tidy, too.

Squeaky clean
Trips to the groomer are a thing of the past when you have your own washing station at home. Built-in stairs let older dogs get to their bath safely and comfortably.

The ultimate in freedom
Plexidor’s automatic dog door only opens when it receives a signal from a transmitter on your pet’s collar – so Buddy can get in, but curious squirrels, raccoons and neighborhood cats can’t.

And while every dog has his day, some cats have it pretty good, too.